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Kitchen Coos & Ewes

Sponsor Senga

£30.00 GBP

Senga didn’t have the best start in life.  Her mother didn’t bond with her so consequently Senga didn’t get enough colostrum in those vital early hours.

Things went from bad to worse and she contracted a very nasty bug called cryptosporidium. She became very weak and had to receive round-the-clock care for quite some time.  It got to be we were preparing for the worst.

After weeks of intensive care she eventually got back onto her feet and began to recover. 

As she gained more strength and began to move around it became obvious that her mum had accidentally stood on her in those early days. She walked with a limp!

By this time her mum had forgotten all about her and her milk supply had dried up.

Senga was now officially a pet calf and once she was strong enough, she joined her two friends, Jock and Tam, in the pet calf pen.

To tackle her limp Senga began an intensive course of physiotherapy doing hill-reps every evening with her carer Jess.  Playing with Jock and Tam also continued to develop her physical strength. Already the small, slight Senga has those boys wrapped around her wee hoof. It’s going to be a pleasure watching this stunning, long-haired girl with the long eyelashes go from strength to strength.

Sponsorship starts from the date of registration and lasts for one year.
There are three levels of sponsorship to choose from.  See below:

Gold package (£90) includes:
*Sponsor’s certificate
*A4 colour print of your coo
*Golden Girls fridge magnet
*Video sent to you on your coo’s birthday
*Email update in July.
*Email update in November
*Email update in February
*Email update in May
*KC&E enamel badge
*KC&E Post-it note pad
*KC&E recipe book
*KC&E notebook and pen
*2 sew-on badges

Silver package (£60) includes:
*Sponsor’s certificate
*A4 colour print of your coo
*Golden Girls fridge magnet
*Email update on your coo’s birthday
*Email update in February
*Email update in May
*Email update in November
*KC&E enamel badge
*KC&E Post-it note pad

Bronze package (£30) includes:
*Sponsor’s certificate
*A4 colour print of your coo
*Golden Girls fridge magnet
*Email update on your coo’s birthday
*Email update in July
*Email update in November

Sponsor Senga

Sponsor Senga


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